10 research outputs found

    From Predicting Solar Activity to Forecasting Space Weather: Practical Examples of Research-to-Operations and Operations-to-Research

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    The successful transition of research to operations (R2O) and operations to research (O2R) requires, above all, interaction between the two communities. We explore the role that close interaction and ongoing communication played in the successful fielding of three separate developments: an observation platform, a numerical model, and a visualization and specification tool. Additionally, we will examine how these three pieces came together to revolutionize interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) arrival forecasts. A discussion of the importance of education and training in ensuring a positive outcome from R2O activity follows. We describe efforts by the meteorological community to make research results more accessible to forecasters and the applicability of these efforts to the transfer of space-weather research.We end with a forecaster "wish list" for R2O transitions. Ongoing, two-way communication between the research and operations communities is the thread connecting it all.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, Solar Physics in pres

    Sistemas sinóticos associados às precipitações intensas no estado de Alagoas Synoptic systems associated to heavy precipitation in the state of Alagoas

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    Neste trabalho analisou-se a estrutura dos sistemas meteorológicos associados às precipitações intensas em Alagoas entre 2003 e 2006. Foi feita a análise das imagens de satélite no canal infravermelho, de produtos de reanálise do National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) e dados de precipitação de dezessete postos pluviométricos, espalhados em diferentes regiões do Estado. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar as causas da formação das precipitações intensas e determinar os sistemas meteorológicos associados. Os casos de precipitação intensa foram registrados no Outono/Inverno. Além disso, metade dos eventos ocorridos entre a primavera e o verão aconteceu em janeiro. As Perturbações Ondulatórias nos Ventos Alísios, a Corrente de Jato do Nordeste Brasileiro e as extremidades das frentes frias foram os sistemas que estiveram mais relacionados às precipitações intensas. Complexos Convectivos de Mesoescala provocaram boa parte dos temporais no oeste do Estado, o que não foi verificado no leste. Exemplificando o método de análise utilizado, um caso foi discutido.<br>Structures of meteorological systems, associated with heavy precipitation in the Alagoas State, for the 2003-2006 period were studied. Infrared satellite images, reanalysis data products of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and data from seventeen Alagoas pluviometric stations were used. The goal of this study is the analysis of the heavy precipitation causes and determination of the associated weather systems. Heavy precipitations were usually registered during autumn/winter seasons. Also, half of all spring/summer heavy precipitations events occurred in January. Wave Disturbances in the Trade Winds, Brazilian Northeast Jet Streams and Cold Front Extremities were associated with heavy precipitations. Almost all heavy precipitations events were connected with Mesoscale Convective Complexes in the west region of the State and usually did not occur in the east region. To exemplify the used analysis method a case study is discussed